Social trade feed

Social trade feed

Social Trading

Boasting the biggest and most active Social Trading network available, SakuraForex offers its Binary Options Traders the ability to view other Traders open positions, follow Trades, boast to the world about won trades and keep tabs on what other Traders are doing in real Time.


As a SakuraForex Trader you will have the opportunity to access our Social Trading Platform and in particular to our World Exclusive Social Charts, Social Trading Feed and Customizable Social Trading Profile.


Social Chart

Watch and monitor other Trader’s Positions and Trades as they happen. See who is making money and who to follow, who to avoid and what Trades are popular. With Social Market intelligence available on this unique and exclusive chart feed, our Traders have the advantage with endless possibilities.


Social Trading Feed

Like, Share and View Trading positions by real Traders as they happen. Be the envy of your friends with your successful payouts and monitor what other Traders are doing right now. Gain a competitive advantage and share your knowledge as a Trading Community.


Customizable Social Trading Profile

Create your own profile and let the world see how good a Trader you are. Upload your photo, create your profile, let other like and share your Trading Positions.

With SakuraForex you will have the opportunity to join our diverse pool Traders in a Social Trading Community unlike any other. Join us today and see just how Social Trading and SakuraForex will revolutionise your Trades.








SAKURA FOREX Online Securities LTD.


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